You Can Mount Your Television Like a Professional! The Hidden Savvy in Top Rated Brackets

A humble television mount. It is the unsung hero in living rooms all over. This is the thing that contains the magic box through which you can watch your favourite movies and TV shows. The top rated tv mount selection is not rocket science. In fact, it can be compared to a beautiful dance with some numbers thrown in.

Imagine you are at home and staring in horror at the giant expensive TV that’s perched precariously upon a wobbly gaming console. The time has come to get moving. Pull that badboy up to the wall. This will free up some space on your wall for other, equally important things. A top-rated mount for your TV is here. How do you decide which mount to buy? There are different mounts, like there are dogs and cat breeds. The three main types of mounts include fixed, tilting, and swivel. Sound confusing? Here’s a breakdown.

They are a no-nonsense solution. Fixed mounts are a great option for those who want a simple solution. Here, nothing moves; this is solid. If the glare of the sun threatens to spoil your marathon viewing, can you alter that angle? Nope.

These tilting mounts will do the trick. The tilting mounts have your back — or at the very least, your TV’s upper half. They allow a slight tilt forward or backward, which is perfect for those higher-than-the-fireplace installations. You have munchkins peeking out from the sofa? This problem is solved by tilting the sofa downwards.

Do you fancy a full-swivel chair? It’s time to cook! The mount can move in any direction you want. To watch TV while cooking, you can turn left or right. Maximum flexibility. The mounts will appeal to the restless TV viewer who is tired of their life being a merrygo round. These mounts are more costly and complex but they offer more entertainment freedom.

Think about the weight, and VESA pattern on your TV before leaping. You can’t ignore these numbers. A 16×20 promenade or dynamic pair of 20×20 – these patterns are crucial. The TV will fall if you do not match the patterns. But who would want that?

A little known fact is the mounting material. Steel mounts? Ah, yes. You can call them the “Hulk” of mounts. Strong, reliable, but also intimidating. Plastic? Why not say it’s better? It’s best to have a strong frame for peace of mind. Imagine hanging a Picasso onto a laundry line. Awkward, right?

I’d like to warn you, dear reader. It’s important to find the stud. Otherwise, you could end up in a lot of trouble. You’re investing in the moon by bolting into your drywall at random. Or, you can knock on a wall and hear for a solid noise. Do not make this a crash class in TV mounting.

A tech adventure would not be complete without the user’s reviews. Search through these reviews as you would a missing remote. The real folks will leave valuable comments that may tip the scales towards one mount.

There you go, everyone. You’ll be able to watch TV more comfortably if you mount it with grace. Properly placed TVs aren’t only decor, they’re also home improvements. Let’s explore some of the most popular mounts. You’re making a great investment.

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