When is the best time to clean carpets in North Shore?

Imagine yourself sitting on your couch sipping hot chocolate on a cold North Shore afternoon. You sink your feet into the plush carpeting, only to discover mysterious crumbs or a faint stain on the fibers. When should you call the cavalry to do carpet cleaning northshore? read more?

The spring bursts out of the winter’s gloom to give your carpets a new start. It’s time to deep clean your carpets after months of muddy shoes and pine needles from the holidays. Spring cleaning isn’t just a cliché; it’s a tradition. Open windows to let fresh air blow away any chemical smells and dampness left over from the cleaning process. Mother Nature is your carpet’s hairdryer, as the fresh air helps to speed up drying.

Some people swear by the autumn. Imagine the vibrant colors of the leaves, and the crisp air. It’s sweater season. It makes sense to prepare your indoor space for winter before you retreat indoors. It would be great to have a freshly cleaned carpet for the family to settle in on during those cold nights. The risk of allergy attacks during cleaning is reduced because there are fewer pollen grains in the air. The air is also less humid, which slows down the drying process.

It’s summer, the sun is at its peak, and humidity can make it difficult for carpets to dry. The kids are usually outside, so there will be fewer feet stepping on freshly cleaned carpet fibers. Is summer then the season for carpet cleaning? Perhaps.

Winter, a season that is often criticized for being dreary, has its charm. The schedules slow down and there are less parties. Time seems to stop. This allows you to take advantage of a period when there is more time available. It’s almost like setting up for hibernation in winter with the fire roaring, and the fresh carpets. Be careful: drying times may take longer than expected, so make sure your air circulation is good.

Ultra Brite Carpet & Tile Cleaning North Shore
79-83 Longueville Road, Lane Cove NSW 2066
(02) 8015 5143

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