Cracking the Code: Upholstery Fabrics and Their Cleaning Needs

Perhaps you’ve looked at your furniture and wondered if you’re giving it the proper treatment. Understanding your fabrics is key to Upholstery Cleaning North Shore. Let’s get down the rabbit hole to discover what kind of fabric is required by each, continue reading?

Fabric Types A rollercoaster ride

– Cotton: Ah, good old cotton. It’s soft, breathable and durable. The fabric is prone to staining more quickly than a child drinking juice. Solution? Most of the time, an easy soapy solution along with water or fabric cleaner is all you need. Don’t soak it, imagine drying a sheep dog!

Leather: luxurious, yet high-maintenance. Leather is the pop star of upholstery. Needs regular cleaning with the use of a damp cloth as well as conditioning. Forget these steps and you’ll end up with an unfinished, sad version of its former glory.

Microfiber: The ultimate performer of all fabrics. It is stain-resistant and easy to clean. The crumbs can be removed using an easy brush, while more stubborn stains are treated with the rubbing alcohol.

– Velvet: Velvet is like the sophisticated friend who is always stunning. There are some oddities. Velvet can be vacuumed using an attachment for a brush, and clean it with mild detergent.

North Shore’s Specific Needs

The climate of the North Shore as well as air quality and other factors make it more difficult for cleaning. Humidity is a real problem, creating mold and mildew. Dehumidifiers and regular cleaning can save your life. A local tip? The charcoal bags are effective at soaking up moisture and keeping smells at the bay.

Here’s what you need to know about your pet

Furry pets and comfortable furniture don’t always mix. Pet-friendly fabrics such as microfiber or tightly woven fabrics help. A lint-roller can be a useful tool. Also, if Fido leaves an “surprise,” a mix of vinegar and baking soda generally works wonders. Voice of experience here Get that stain out when you see it, or you’re making a mess.

Spotless Carpet Cleaning North Shore
1-5 Lynbara Ave, St Ives NSW 2075
(02) 8607 8811

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